Employee satisfaction surveys can be used to improve job satisfaction and increase performance.
Below is a very brief overview of employee satisfaction surveys, provided by Direct Data Analysis .
Employee satisfaction surveys can be useful tools to help employers identify employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction. They can help identify and deal with any potential conflicts, provide useful and actionable information for managers, and help create loyal and motivated employees.
Organisations can undertake their own employee satisfaction surveys, however an external survey provider should be used to provide unbiased and independent reporting of the results.
The survey should be confidential, collect no data which could personally identify an employee, and employees should be made aware of this. The survey is less likely to gain a true reflection from employees if an individual thought that answers could be traced back to themselves.
In order to improve response rates, employees should be informed that the results from the survey will be used to improve the workplace.
The survey questionnaire should be developed so as not to provide any leading or vague questions.
A copy of the survey results should be made available for employees to see, and if this is the first employee survey, a follow up survey should be undertaken at a later stage in order to measure any improvements following actions undertaken based on the original survey results.
Below is a very brief overview of employee satisfaction surveys, provided by Direct Data Analysis .
Employee satisfaction surveys can be useful tools to help employers identify employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction. They can help identify and deal with any potential conflicts, provide useful and actionable information for managers, and help create loyal and motivated employees.
Organisations can undertake their own employee satisfaction surveys, however an external survey provider should be used to provide unbiased and independent reporting of the results.
The survey should be confidential, collect no data which could personally identify an employee, and employees should be made aware of this. The survey is less likely to gain a true reflection from employees if an individual thought that answers could be traced back to themselves.
In order to improve response rates, employees should be informed that the results from the survey will be used to improve the workplace.
The survey questionnaire should be developed so as not to provide any leading or vague questions.
A copy of the survey results should be made available for employees to see, and if this is the first employee survey, a follow up survey should be undertaken at a later stage in order to measure any improvements following actions undertaken based on the original survey results.